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本文作者Dhan,英国人。本科、硕士均毕业于剑桥大学现代语言专业,高中毕业于英国顶级私校Saint Paul‘s School。他的父亲、母亲均毕业于伦敦政治经济学院,妹妹本科毕业于牛津大学,现在UCL博士在读。Dhan一家在伦敦属于典型中产偏上家庭,因此,这篇文章体现更多的是处于这一阶层的伦敦人的看法,并不具有普遍性。下文为作者口述!*文章源于知乎如有侵权可联系删除



中国同学在申请的时候,除了前五(中国学生叫 G5)外,很喜欢曼彻斯特大学、伦敦大学国王学院、爱丁堡大学,因为他们说,这些大学是中国民间和 HR 都比较认可的学校。



Once students start to reach around seventeen years of age, the same question is on everyone’s lips. ‘Where do you want to apply?’, ‘what are you going to study?’ or even ‘what do you see yourself doing in ten years?’.和中国学生一样,英国学生一到十七、十八岁,也有一个挂在嘴边的问题。“你准备申请啥学校”,“你准备去哪读大学”,甚至“你未来10年有啥规划?”

It can be very difficult to answer these questions and to navigate the labyrinth of different universities, application processes, grade requirements, and evaluation procedures.不仅这些问题难以回答,如何在不同的大学、申请流程、分数要求和评价程序之间做选择也很困难。

Ultimately, I believe that deciding which universities to apply to is a personal choice that comes down to many different factors, such as the university’s location, its size, the expertise of its teachers in a particular subject or how well one can see themselves fitting in there. This article aims to provide guidance, based on the writer’s personal opinion as well as the reputation and history of different institutions, for those who are thinking of applying to UK universities but are unsure of where to start or are stuck at a crossroads and don’t know how to proceed.最终,我觉得选校是一件很私人的事情,取决于学校位置、规模、专业师资力量、以及和自己合拍不合拍等等。这篇文章旨在给那些想申请英国大学,但却感觉无从下手的同学一个大概的指导,评判标准基于作者的个人看法以及各个学校的历史和声誉。

1.University of Cambridge


There are two universities that stand out in the rankings year after year and occupy the two top spots. They are both steeped in history, being not much less than 1,000 years old, as well as academic excellence.首先,有两所大学是常年霸占榜首的。无论是历史和学术声誉都没得说。

These are, of course, the Universities of Cambridge and of Oxford, both of which need little introduction. There is little to choose between them but Cambridge has now occupied the top ranking in the league tables for the last nine years. And, naturally, having studied at Magdalene College, Cambridge, I am inclined towards it.我觉得剑桥大学和牛津大学都不需要什么介绍,而且两者之间也并没有什么差距。但是,由于剑桥在过去九年里一直在排行榜上排名第一,而且我本科就读于剑桥的 Magdalene学院,所以我比较倾向于剑桥。

Its traditional feel, ethos and renowned colleges and academics are what distinguishes Cambridge from other universities and it was and remains a magical place to study.综合而言,我觉得剑桥的历史感、声誉、以及闻名世界的学院和学者让它和其他大学有着鲜明的差异,在这学习是一段神奇的经历。


2.University of Oxford

Very narrowly behind the University of Cambridge is that of Oxford. Founded around 1096 and so roughly 130 years older than the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford also has extremely well-known professors and alumni.牛津只比剑桥差一点。1096年建校,比剑桥还大将近130岁。牛津也因为自己的各种大神教授和校友享誉世界。

Oxford is a slightly bigger town than Cambridge, so students of this university can perhaps enjoy more entertainment and things to do in the very rare moments when they’re not occupied with university work!牛津稍微要比剑桥大一些,所以牛津学生的娱乐选项和各种活动应该也比剑桥多。但是这并没有啥用,因为他们每天学习忙成狗,根本没时间!

Oxford therefore also has less of a ‘university town’ feel, though it is still extremely traditional. Some of its courses such as Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) have even gained particular fame.尽管牛津也是一个及其传统范儿的地方,但是它大学城的感觉要稍弱一些。他家的PPE(政治、哲学和经济)专业尤其出名。

Choosing between applying to the University of Cambridge or the University of Oxford is a very tough decision, but none the less one that must be made – as it is not possible to apply to both!在英国,本科申请牛津跟剑桥只能二选一。

3.University College London (UCL)


With a reputation that has grown in recent years, UCL is just behind the top two (which remain clearly separate from the rest) in my list.UCL近些年来声名渐隆,我个人感觉是仅次于牛津的学校。

It is a large and very diverse university that has nearly 40,000 students and heads a group of London universities that are all fairly similarly ranked.UCL规模很大,有将近4万多名学术。它也是伦敦大学联盟的领头羊。

4.Imperial College London


Another very highly-rated university, Imperial is known above all for its courses in science, engineering and medicine.

Imperial, like many London universities, has a very high percentage of foreign students and attracts many applicants not just from outside the UK, but also from outside Europe. Its graduates also continue to enjoy good employment prospects.和伦敦的诸多大学一样,帝国理工也有很多外国学生,它吸引了很多英国、甚至欧盟外的申请者。毕业生就业能力、口碑都很棒。

5.London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)


In the heart of London, LSE, the university of both of my parents, is, of course, most known for its various economics and politics courses.The university scores consistently well according to most rankings of British universities.

6.University of St. Andrews

圣安德鲁斯大学,威廉王子和凯特的母校。Set in the beautiful town of Fife in Scotland, St. Andrews is another very historical university that dates back to 1413.

圣安超级漂亮、超级古老、超级有历史!It has also recently become known as the place where two members of the British Royal Family, Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, met.

7.University of Durham

与牛剑一样有学院制传统的杜伦大学。Another university with a college system, similar to that of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, the University of Durham consistently scores well in university rankings and is also in the midst of a very beautiful setting.

8.University of Warwick

华威大学,就业好,毕业生的雇主声誉很好。In Coventry, this university also attracts many foreign students from outside Europe. Its graduates also have a good reputation with employers.

9.University of Edinburgh

爱丁堡大学,有挺多著名校友。This university falls just inside the top ten. It has some very famous alumni, including the author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, and two people who have had a profound impact on humankind in Charles Darwin and Alexander Graham Bell.

10.University of Bristol


Creating a list of top ten UK universities is certainly not easy and many others deserve mentions such as the University of Bath and King’s College London. However, in tenth place, is the University of Bristol on the west coast of England, whose students can enjoy a quite vibrant town and engaging campus life.硬要做出一个英国Top10的列表真的很难,有些学校,比如巴斯、比如KCL,都值得拥有姓名。但是在我看来,还是要把第10名给布里斯托!要说的还有皇家音乐学院、建筑联盟学院,这些学校没有太多排名,但是也是我们比较青睐的学校。




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