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学习A-level经济的小伙伴都知道,一般开篇的第一部分内容就是供给与需求,这是整个A-level经济的基础,其重要性不言而喻。今天来和同学们分享一篇关于这类知识点的data response。


With the help of an appropriate diagram and the information in Extract B, explain why the world price of wheat  changed in 2010.

part.1 审题分析



a. Demand: 

the quantity of goods that consumers are willing to pay at any given price over a period of time


the quantity of goods that suppliers are willing to sell at any given price over a period of time

c.Excessive demand:

At a price level given, the quantity demanded exceeds that supplied in a market

d.Excessive supply:

At a price level given, the quantity supplied exceeds that demanded in a market

part.2 逻辑梳理


其次,我们需要针对材料,对答案的内容和逻辑关系进行梳理。这里需要注意了,supporting details一定要从材料中找,这样才能把经济学理论知识和具体情境相结合。


关于供给和需求这一块的分析,我们建议大家使用logic chain的方式,这样不仅逻辑性强,调理清晰,也能为后续的答题列好提纲,不会遗漏答题要点。

Demand side:

1). rising living standard→ a rise in demand for meat → an increase in demand for wheat (wheat can be used to feed animals)

2). increasing demand for biofuel→ a rise in the demand for wheat


 Supply side:

1). bans on wheat exports→a fall in supply

2). natural events(floods, droughts)→a fall in supply






1. Adjustment process:

The excessive demand results from an increase in demand/ a decrease in supply, which leads to the price of wheat rising, followed by an extension of supply/a contraction of demand.



When the PES is inelastic, a rise in the price of wheat will cause a less increase in the quantity of wheat, or vice versa.When the PED is inelastic, a rise in the price of wheat will cause a greater decrease in the quantity of wheat, or vice versa.

Reference version:


Demand is the quantity of goods that consumers are willing to pay at any given price over a period of time. Supply refers to the quantity of goods that suppliers are willing to sell at any given price over a period of time.


For demand side, rising living standard causes a rise in the demand for meat, which leads to an increase in the demand for wheat because wheat can be used to feed animals. Besides, increasing demand for biofuel can generate a rise in the demand for wheat.



For supply side, bans on wheat exports will deacrease its supply. Furthermore, natural events like floods and droughts may result in a fall in the supply of wheat.



When it comes to process adjustment, there is an excessive demand resulting from an increase in demand/ a decrease in supply, which leads to the price of wheat rising, followed by an extension of supply/a contraction of demand.


As for  PES or PED, when the PES is inelastic, a rise in the price of wheat will cause a less increase in the quantity of wheat, or vice versa.When the PED is inelastic, a rise in the price of wheat will cause a greater decrease in the quantity of wheat, or vice versa.




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