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交换媒介、计算单位和价值储存手段。然后依次针对每个功能进行讨论,看高通胀率对他们每个的影响,并对影响进行评价。Money can serve as a medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value. During periods of high inflation the price level is rising at a rapid pace. The functions of money are challenged during these periods.



随着通货膨胀率的迅速上升,用货币购买的商品与过去不一样了。因此, 企业家可能不愿意接受货币支付。在津巴布韦的恶性通货膨胀时期,企业开始接受其他国家的货币和黄金而不是本国货币。


Firstly, money serves as a medium of exchange. If an individual chooses to purchase a good or service, money will be accepted as payment. An example of this would be a student purchasing a textbook from school using money. During periods of high inflation, people may continue to accept money, but it would be increasingly difficult to do so. This is due to the fact that since money is losing its value so quickly, a shopkeeper may prefer another item in exchange as opposed to that specific type of money. As inflation rises rapidly, money does not purchase the same items it used to. Therefore, business owners may be reluctant to accept money as payment. In Zimbabwe, during a period of hyperinflation, businesses started accepting other country’s currencies and gold as opposed to the national currency. However, money is not defined as the national currency, but only as something that is accepted as payment. In this sense, although the type of money has changed, money is still being used.



Secondly, money serves as a unit of account. This means that people can determine the worth of something by looking at its price and referring to it in money terms.Its value can be determined to be based on an understanding of consumers and businesses of money’s worth. However, during periods of high inflation it becomes much more difficult to serve this function. This is because inflation is rising at such a rapid rate that both producers and consumers struggle to anticipate the true price and value of something in money terms.  



Thirdly, money serves as a store of value. This means that an individual can store money for later use and it will have the same value when it is later withdrawn. For example, if I put my money into the bank on Monday and withdraw it next week, it should still retain its value. During the  periods of high inflation, this function is immediately challenged. Saving money for future use will definitely ensure the saver loses the value of their deposits. If an individual deposits $100 today, and goes to withdraw it next week, the same $100 may not buy as much as it did previously. Therefore, it is almost certain that money is not able to serve this function during the periods of high inflation.  


总的来说,高通货膨胀率对货币功能的影响大小不一。价值储存手段的功能会受到最严重的影响,货币将失去其保持价值的能力。其次,货币可以继续作为交换媒介, 但可被接受的货币形式可能会改变。最后,计算单位的功能可能继续存在,但这取决于通胀率上升到多高,持久且快速的价格上涨将对这功能产生更严重的影响。再有,持续的快速增长对这三种功能的损害要远大于短期且适度的增长。

On balance, the high rate of inflation will not affect all functions of money equally. The severest impact will be on its function as a store of value. Money will lose its ability to retain value. Secondly, money may continue to serve as a medium of exchange, but the accepted form of money may change. Finally, the unit of account can possibly continue, but it depends on how high the rate of inflation rises. A sustained and rapid rise of prices would have a much more severe impact on this function. Moreover, a sustained and rapid rise would harm all three functions much more than a short-ter.


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